“Zero Se Restart,” a documentary directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, will be hitting theaters on December 13, 2024, with an OTT release expected in January 2025. Featuring Vikrant Massey, the documentary takes a deep dive into the journey of creating the movie 12th Fail, while exploring themes of resilience, following dreams, and personal growth.
Key Details About Zero Se Restart
- Format: Documentary Film
- Genre: Drama, Biographical
- Directors: Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Jaskunwar Kohli
- Production House: Vinod Chopra Films
- Streaming Platform: Likely Disney+ Hotstar (Expected)
- Theatrical Release Date: December 13, 2024
- OTT Release Window: January 2025 (Expected)
Cast of Zero Se Restart
The documentary features a stellar cast, including:
- Vikrant Massey
- Anant Joshi
- Medha Shankar
- Anshumaan Pushkar
Zero Se Restart OTT Release Date and Platform
Though the exact OTT release date remains unconfirmed, the documentary is expected to debut on Disney+ Hotstar around January 2025, following its theatrical premiere on December 13, 2024. Keep an eye on official announcements for more precise details.
Plot Overview of Zero Se Restart
Zero Se Restart offers a behind-the-scenes look at the making of 12th Fail, sharing the obstacles and triumphs faced during the film’s creation. It explores themes of rediscovery, the emotional journey of revisiting one’s childhood dreams, and how failure can be a stepping stone to success. Through this documentary, viewers are encouraged to reflect on their own paths and the importance of staying true to one’s passion. The film promises to inspire and uplift, while providing a rare insight into the filmmaking process.
Where to Watch Zero Se Restart
After its theatrical release on December 13, 2024, Zero Se Restart is expected to stream on Disney+ Hotstar. Fans can enjoy the film from the comfort of their homes in early 2025.
Behind the Scenes: Production Team
- Directors: Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Jaskunwar Kohli
- Producer: Vidhu Vinod Chopra
- Music: Shantanu Moitra
- Lyrics: Swanand Kirkire
- Sound Design: Manav Shrotriya
- Re-Recording Mixers: Boloy Kumar Doloi, Rahul Karpe
Trailer Insights
The official trailer of Zero Se start has already been released, providing a preview of the film’s emotionally engaging narrative and the personal transformation experienced through filmmaking. The trailer features the song Saanp Seedhi, performed by Venoz and Kay-Trak, adding a soulful element to the storytelling. The collaboration between Shantanu Moitra and Swanand Kirkire promises a soundtrack that enhances the documentary’s emotional impact.
Final Thoughts
Zero Se Restart isn’t just a documentary; it’s an exploration of the power of personal growth and resilience. By focusing on the making of 12th Fail, it highlights the importance of following one’s dreams and embracing challenges along the way. With its strong direction by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, a talented cast, and powerful music, this documentary is poised to be a significant release in 2024. Whether you catch it in theaters or stream it on Disney+ Hotstar, Zero Se start will surely inspire you to reconnect with your own dreams and embrace the journey of self-discovery.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- When will Zero Se Restart be available for OTT streaming?
The documentary is expected to be released on Disney+ Hotstar in January 2025, following its theater debut in December 2024. - Who are the lead actors in Zero Se Restart?
The film stars Vikrant Massey, Anant Joshi, Medha Shankar, and Anshumaan Pushkar. - What genre does Zero Se Restart fall under?
It is a biographical documentary with dramatic and inspirational elements. - Where can I watch Zero Se Restart?
After its theatrical release, Zero Se Restart will be available for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. - Who is behind the music of Zero Se Restart?
The music for the documentary has been composed by Shantanu Moitra, with Swanand Kirkire contributing the lyrics.